Each Generation will say & experience the same thing more or less.
You missed flower power man !!!
wth punk !!!
No no Chicago house, breakdance, MTV!!!..
the acid house 90s etc etc each generation will argue they was a peak in that era.. Where as this peak is a wave if you will.
Maybe these guys dont experice what the oldies experinced from the very early days , but they have their own wave that will rise and fall like the peak some of the LFS regulars have witnessed, and is why I think sometimes its unfair of community to blame this "wave" effect on LFS development.
I have only mild depresing memories / I was in the middle of moving house and had NO GODAMN internet access when S2 alpha was publicly available.
I have however made up for that loss since.
But just to let you know I move house again maybe in september ......
Anyone want to bet I miss the next update?
Also whatever happened to that 1000cc FWD? hehehe
@ mustang, beat up .. .anywhere ...oh dear delusions of grandeur my dear. You know the score, name the time and place !!!!! No Inferno team love here now so you will recieve no quarter!!!
Maybe not retards, If I may expand on this, most peoples adverse reactions to negative situations all down to fear usually, in your case the driver late for work / fear of loss of money / repuation / job.
Money is what seems to be the main issue in everones life a dominating factor in happiness.
Somthing these days easliy confused with bigger better, the grass isnt always greener, to get to point using another cliche, you dont know what you have till you lose it.
And this is what alot of people are fearing, fear that they have lost the love, passion, addiction, kick from LFS.
The reason, the lack of a major update. I think alot of it is do to do with trust or the lack of.
If scavier had made regular posts regarding this, maybe this thread wouldnt be so rinsed in doubt. But let say they did, and LFS is still at z28.
Would you still be driving happy (not just you mustang, this really directed at everyone now: ) ) that because there is a post saying what part of LFS is being worked on because the devs let you in on every detail each update.
I think alot would say maybe yes, so why no updates.
Content is always being argued, look at how other platforms of software are made then publised before hitting the market.
Dont give everything away, now I know I am now progressing into speculative territory here. But Think loggically at the build and previous test patch phases to where we are now, and what is to come.
"Aha" I hear you say, well how would you know whats coming if the devs dont say.
To me this reminds me of from S1 going to S2.
There was info and clues on what was to come, but when it came
I would of quoted the rest, but Rather have everyone re-read your post (On second thought maybe thats a good idea)
I think whats lacking and is shocking really given how this gem of software is developed is how a proportion of members contribute and some in doing so only make things worse.
Some really have in the past really put in the hours, some still are
Im talking about the coders the people running leagues, all the admins and forum moderators, and yes the racers.
We all want LFS to succeed, (although I do have concerns on how people justify demanding a patch/track/ etc)
Alot has changed since 2003, not just in LFS, the whole internet is different/ OS / Hardware and of course the competition.
Theres alot of opinions and concerns floating around, and I think alot of confusion created with the influx of new old.
Users inexeprienced with proccess that model of developement LFS uses (petervsp made an excellent post regarding this just a few back)
People complain that its slow and that others could assist, but the Devs wont allow this to some extents. (yes we know this, some may not agree. I just want to make a point here about the forums and how all this negativty is really quite counter prodcutive)
People communicate even when they dont try to, body language, behaviour etc. I remeber being around 5 years old, Being at my mothers "deaf club"
There was this old bean (bean=man), his name was Charlie.
Only a few people could talk to charlie, and for many years, this man and his expresions,
the joy and sorrow I saw in his face when he was talking. Was like mirror to your soul.
Now you may ask yourself, what is so special about charlie.
Imagine being born deaf, then going blind midway through your life.
Yeah its quite a different picture now you are painting perhaps.
I never really got round to asking the questions i asked myself much later in life. As charlie passed away before I had become a man.He died when i was approaching double figures and have long since forgoten now how to actaully use the language (mostly though contact on the hand)
I used to watch in amazement and wonder, later in life I did struggle with why he would want to wake up each day, Why persist in a reality in which you have very little feedback from. It was simple, people.
I grew up around a very close community, with deaf/hearing people of all ages/races.
So what has this got to do with LFS some of you may ask, possibly some of you are connecting the dots already.
My point is building on gunns points on bringing people down.
Why, how, when, what, where.
Instead of moaning about it, do somthing. If you really want LFS to succeed. Do you really think that by venting your frustraition and dismay, moments of rage and anger. This will make things go faster.
Emotion is contagous if not observed and realised for what it is expressing.
What I suggest to the moderators is give people a chance with this thread.
"If" a moderator could filter out the posts by the devs and keep them in here, remove the rest to another thread (for vws spam etc).
And Lets hope that people understand why charlie demmands deep consideration in communication.
Keep it constructive, Have more respect for your fellow. Even if they an Idiot behaving badly. Really people are like mirrors, this is how communication works, signals bouncing back and forth, relfecting suggestion with each transmission.
Maybe the moderators will take me up on the idea above. maybe they wont.
Maybe scawen will resubscribe will, maybe he wont.
Im not saying this thread is complete disaster there have been mm a few good points raised and debated in "segments"
Seeing as I am soooo bored with my time off work and this topic of LFS about LFS dying heres some old threads covering this issue, with last post date.
Ive been around for quite a while,as have many others posting in this thread God yes i get bored with LFS, as i do along with talking, eating, life, poeple, etc etc. But at the same time the pleasures I get outwiegh the negatives most of the time, Unless Its really bothering me.
This is what this thread is about, people are concerned about LFS, emotions heightened and opinions shared. I dont think anything is infinite, nothing itself may not be immune either. But this is the point things live and die, Peoples Interest may die becasue of developement proccess, but then again they may revisit. People also change and may never rekindle the flame that burnt previous desires to compete online in this Simulator. Life goes on.
The above threads I mainly highlighted because of the content, dates and overall relationship to the broad range of attributes that can be said to create this "dying" belief. People seem to be attracted to the game because of the community online. This Community that is said to be dying.
Life goes on in many ways, for some its other activities away from sim racing, or complete change of workstlye. For everyne involved in the community, no matter if a demo racer with his first post, or some world record breaker, a respected member of the forum. But Its different it has changed, its a little more organised and there are alot of active racers and leagues.
Public racing can be argued to be a little different and this is where confusion seems to be submerged.
Its 3 guys remember this, support them. I know without support and passion I dont get very far with things I try to achieve within my own life.
I know I dont get very far on the track without learning from my mistakes and patience with my vehicle and other racers.
Sometimes I do wish they would be more vocal at certain points within anythread that really would benefit from a voice from either of the LFS team.
But just look at thread title for christs sake, come on guys. You really think trying convince yourslef others LFS is dying, its changed the community has changed , old have left , waiting just just playing randomly some are still racing regurlary but not a high percentage (talking about 5 year + users)
But then again Im going from my buddy list and dont really add to many on there. 50 maybe? (will have to check)
I could spout out about he oil slick at the gulf, which is a far more important topic then this.
But Life guys sometimes it sucks and sometimes you wish you could live forever.
Keep the balance between what ever you love healthy or you will kill it, plain and simple. No matter your cat your car your life, or LFS.
Treat thiis forum like the track. Respect the races and rules and most of all the reason why the race is run. Otherwise the guru of blackwood Forest..
Seriously guys hes outhere somewhere Im sure of it ......
Some horror in that race, quite wet. Car looked kinda lively and on a few corners & I saw some light drift in and snap getting grip into the racing line.
Nice Event by the looks. Quite funny at the end
Wow grats on Win Dude, didnt realise you could drive "for real".
This maybe explains why you are quite brave with where you throw your car whilst racing in LFS.
Makes me wish I had carried on taking my driving lessons almost 20 years ago.
No this is one user in one thread out of all the LFS forum.
*edit* and hes asking if anyone wants to race/crash with him, Along Comes the helpful regular trolls, so many of them I had to log out so i can actually read the Thread.
And as usual its just random noise usueless posts.
If you cant help the user or the forum, do not post.
Same here near enough, when i get time to race, LFS rarely fails to deliver.
To the ones calling this Sim Dead
As for inactive users sure theres plenty, but doesnt everygame have a disproportionate percetnage of players the longer the game life.
Maybe its Dead for yourself, But please dont try to convince others otherwise.
When the reality is far from it, this last week on my own private server I have had 3 new to LFS (no miles driven) and another dozen or so with under 1000 miles.
The Devs have been and are currently still working on LFS.
Maybe not to everyones liking (but when can you ever make all your customers happy)
The amount of times Ive seen this type of thread (even going back months, years ago) Is staggering. LFS is not dying its regenerating, out goes the old in comes the new etc // maybe some of its old userbase is withering away spewing rotten garbage, but new blood is incoming all the time, and thats how its been since i can remember.
Birder touch on the point of hibernation, Well with a patch with this much build time and with the expectaion, I imagine lots of LFS racers coming out of hibernation too
Anyway I go build my masterpeice, an AU2 Layout. Well I am an Ex - DeadManRacer ......
This threads main point as far as i recall was based upon the behaviour
and mannerisms of the people that regulary add to discussion.
Obviously the message has got through.... to some people
A "better" forum is a positive for developer interests, ideas expressed and discussed contsrtuctively, without the random noise/spam so that the reader can grasp the thoughts outlayed before you.
Imposible tyre physics only exist because they havent been created yet, or more so that they have.
I would much prefer updated physics then an open track editor.
The horror of empty servers/half completed tracks/fragmented community that would develop after that would be of a concern also. This has been discussed many times though.